NEC QX-S3218TP 設定メモ
] [
*概要 [#qb1451bc]
*制御 [#zaa9efa8]
**コンソール接続 [#p978d08b]
***コンソールケーブル [#c1b4d751]
-FTDI chipset USB RJ45 コンソールケーブル
***接続仕様 [#y9f77a6f]
|速度|9600 bps|
|データ|8 bit|
|ストップ|1 bit|
***起動 [#h20af2e1]
* ...
* NEC QX-S3218TP BOOTROM, Version 5...
* ...
Copyright(C) 2004-2008. All rights reserved.
Creation date : Jan 16 2008, 15:53:06
CPU Clock Speed : 200MHz
BUS Clock Speed : 33MHz
Memory Size : 64MB
Mac Address : 000fe2xxxxxx
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu...
この段階で「Ctrl + B」を押下すると、ブートメニューに入る。~
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu... 1
1. Download application file to flash
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify bootrom password
6. Enter bootrom upgrade menu
7. Skip current configuration file
8. Set bootrom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot
Enter your choice(0-9):
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu... 0
Decompress Image....OK!
Starting at 0x80100000...
User interface aux0 is available.
Press ENTER to get started.
%Apr 1 23:56:06:068 2000 QX-S3218TP SHELL/5/LOGIN:- 1 -...
Login authentication
***再起動 [#k03e5abd]
<QX-S3218TP> reboot
Start to check configuration with next startup configur...
please wait......
This command will reboot the device. Current configurat...
This will reboot device. Continue? [Y/N] Y
#Apr 1 23:56:53:947 2000 QX-S3218TP COMMONSY/5/REBOOT:-...
Reboot device by command.
%Apr 1 23:56:57:934 2000 QX-S3218TP DEV/5/DEV_LOG:- 1 -
Switch is rebooting...
*設定 [#jb923482]
**表示 [#nc39e4fe]
***現在の設定を表示 [#ne83f6bc]
[QX-S3218TP] display current-configuration
**基礎設定 [#z25f28c7]
***ホスト名の設定 [#we71a33a]
[QX-S3218TP] sysname QX-S3218TP-02
***管理IPの設定 [#xbd9da62]
VLAN 1に対して管理用IPアドレスを設定する。~
[QX-S3218TP] interface Vlan-interface 1
%Apr 2 01:20:05:490 2000 QX-S3218TP L2INF/5/VLANIF LINK...
Vlan-interface1 is UP
[QX-S3218TP-Vlan-interface1] ip address 255....
%Apr 2 01:20:22:623 2000 QX-S3218TP IFNET/5/UPDOWN:- 1 ...
[QX-S3218TP-Vlan-interface1] quit
***SSH接続の有効化 [#ef0d6514]
ssh telnet terminalからのアクセスを許可する、ID:admin、PW...
<QX-S3218TP> sys
[QX-S3218TP] local-user admin
New local user added.
[QX-S3218TP-luser-admin] password simple admin
[QX-S3218TP-luser-admin] service-type ssh telnet terminal
[QX-S3218TP-luser-admin] level 3
[QX-S3218TP-luser-admin] quit
[QX-S3218TP] ssh authentication-type default password
[QX-S3218TP] ssh user admin authentication-type password
[QX-S3218TP] ssh user admin service-type stelnet
[QX-S3218TP] user-interface vty 0 4
[QX-S3218TP-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode scheme
[QX-S3218TP-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
[QX-S3218TP] save
The configuration will be written to the device.
Are you sure?[Y/N]y
Please input the file name(*.cfg)(To leave the existing ...
unchanged press the enter key):
Now saving current configuration to the device.
Saving configuration. Please wait.........
Unit1 save configuration flash:/startup.cfg successfully
%Apr 2 00:02:35:583 2000 QX-S3218TP CFM/3/CFM_LOG:- 1 -...
[QX-S3218TP] rsa local-key-pair create
The local-key-pair will be created.
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 1024]:
Generating keys...
[QX-S3218TP] quit
<QX-S3218TP> dir /all
5 -rwh 151 Apr 01 2000 23:56:57 private...
7 -rwh 716 Apr 02 2000 00:05:43 hostkey
8 -rwh 572 Apr 02 2000 00:05:50 serverkey
%Apr 2 00:07:16:052 2000 QX-S3218TP SHELL/5/LOGIN:- 1 -...
***SNMP有効化 [#e3f5da1e]
<QX-S3218TP> sys
[QX-S3218TP] snmp-agent
[QX-S3218TP] snmp-agent community read 【Community Name】
[QX-S3218TP] snmp-agent sys-info location 【Location Nam...
[QX-S3218TP] snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
***CDP有効化 [#ad39a56b]
-cdp enable
<QX-S3218TP> sys
[QX-S3218TP] cdp enable
***時刻設定 [#f5c961ae]
--1. タイムゾーン設定(user-viewモード)~
--2. 現在時刻の設定(user-viewモード)~
--3. NTPサーバの設定(system-viewモード)~
clock timezone [ZoneName] add [Offset]
<QX-S3218TP-02> clock timezone JST add 9
clock datetime HH:MM:SS YYYY/MM/DD
<QX-S3218TP-02> clock datetime 17:50:00 2017/10/01
[QX-S3218TP-02] ntp-service unicast-server 【NTP Server ...
%Apr 2 00:52:27:930 2000 QX-S3218TP-02 NTP/5/NTP_LOG:- ...
NTP service enable
**VLAN設定 [#d1954a1d]
***ポートベースVLAN [#ffbc3d0d]
<QX-S3218TP-02> sys
[QX-S3218TP-02] vlan 【VLAN NUM】
[QX-S3218TP-02-vlan【NUM】] quit
[QX-S3218TP-02] interface Ethernet 【PORT NUM】
[QX-S3218TP-02-Ethernet【PORT NUM】] port access vlan 【...
[QX-S3218TP-02-Ethernet【PORT NUM】] quit
Ethernet 1/0/1〜2にVLAN 100、Ethernet 1/0/3〜4にVLAN 200...
vlan 100
vlan 200
interface Ethernet 1/0/1
port access vlan 100
interface Ethernet 1/0/2
port access vlan 100
interface Ethernet 1/0/3
port access vlan 200
interface Ethernet 1/0/4
port access vlan 200
*設定ファイル操作 [#f9357dc7]
**概要 [#c5859709]
**操作 [#j0346356]
***ファイルの確認 [#m91aec86]
-dir /all
<qx>dir /all
Directory of unit1>flash:/
1 (*) -rw- 3721202 Feb 18 2008 16:13:04 qx-s320...
2 (*) -rw- 576644 Jan 01 2004 00:00:00 qx-http...
3 -rw- 1010 Jan 01 2004 00:00:00 vrpcfg....
4 (*) -rw- 2594 Apr 02 2000 00:43:24 vrpcfg....
5 -rwh 151 Apr 02 2000 17:36:43 private...
6 -rw- 1010 Apr 02 2000 00:44:59 startup...
***設定ファイルの選択 [#hacebc92]
startup saved-configuration [FILENAME]
<qx>display startup
Current Startup saved-configuration file: flas...
Next main startup saved-configuration file: flas...
Next backup startup saved-configuration file: NULL
Bootrom-access enable state: enab...
<qx>startup saved-configuration startup.cfg
Please wait.............Done!
%Apr 2 00:48:19:294 2000 qx CFM/3/CFM_LOG:- 1 -Unit1 se...
<qx>display startup
Current Startup saved-configuration file: flas...
Next main startup saved-configuration file: flas...
Next backup startup saved-configuration file: NULL
Bootrom-access enable state: enab...
*コマンド [#vf49d996]
**概要 [#l38cabae]
**基本操作 [#v568573e]
***モード切替 [#ca2ea218]
<xxx-xxx> system-view
<xxx-xxx> sys
***設定の保存 [#oc96826b]
<QX-S3218TP> save
The configuration will be written to the device.
Are you sure?[Y/N]y
Please input the file name(*.cfg)(To leave the existing ...
unchanged press the enter key):
Now saving current configuration to the device.
Saving configuration. Please wait...
Unit1 save configuration flash:/startup.cfg successfully
***バージョン情報の表示 [#j5c1d661]
-display version
<QX-S3218TP>display version
Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP(R) Software, Version 3.1.3
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 NEC Corporation. All rights rese...
QX-S3218TP uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 2 minutes
QX-S3218TP with 1 Processor
64M bytes SDRAM
8M bytes Flash Memory
Config Register points to FLASH
Hardware Version is REV.A
Bootrom Version is 518
CPLD Version is 003
[Subslot 0] 16FE Hardware Version is REV.A
[Subslot 1] 1GE Hardware Version is REV.A
[Subslot 2] 1GE Hardware Version is REV.A
***設定の表示 [#f5d6565b]
-display current-configuration
<QX-S3218TP>display current-configuration
sysname QX-S3218TP
radius scheme system
domain system
vlan 1
interface Aux1/0/0
interface Ethernet1/0/1
interface Ethernet1/0/2
interface Ethernet1/0/3
interface Ethernet1/0/4
interface Ethernet1/0/5
interface Ethernet1/0/6
interface Ethernet1/0/7
interface Ethernet1/0/8
interface Ethernet1/0/9
interface Ethernet1/0/10
interface Ethernet1/0/11
interface Ethernet1/0/12
interface Ethernet1/0/13
interface Ethernet1/0/14
interface Ethernet1/0/15
interface Ethernet1/0/16
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/2
interface GigabitEthernet1/2/1
interface GigabitEthernet1/2/2
interface NULL0
user-interface aux 0
user-interface vty 0 4
***ヘルプ [#y9cb082f]
<xxx-xxx> ?
User view commands:
boot Set boot option
cd Change current directory
clock Specify the system clock
cluster Run cluster command
copy Copy from one file to another
debugging Enable system debugging functions
delete Delete a file
dir List files on a file system
display Display current system information
fixdisk Recover lost chains in storage device
format Format the device
free Clear user terminal interface
ftp Open FTP connection
lock Lock current user terminal interface
mkdir Create a new directory
more Display the contents of a file
move Move a file
nslookup Query Internet name servers
ntdp Run NTDP commands
ping Ping function
pwd Display current working directory
quit Exit from current command view
reboot Reset switch
rename Rename a file or directory
reset Reset operation
rmdir Remove an existing directory
save Save current configuration
schedule Schedule system task
send Send information to other user terminal in...
stacking Run command on stack switch
startup Specify system startup parameters
super Set the current user priority level
system-view Enter the System View
telnet Establish one TELNET connection
terminal Set the terminal line characteristics
tftp Open TFTP connection
tracemac Trace MAC function
tracert Trace route function
undelete Recover a deleted file
undo Cancel current setting
xmodem Establish an xmodem connection
[xxx-xxx] ?
System view commands:
acl Specify acl configuration info...
am Access management
apply Apply qos-profile
arp Add static ARP entry
bpdu-tunnel Global Enable tunneling protoc...
broadcast-suppression Specify the broadcast storm co...
burst-mode Specify burst-mode
cdp CDP Neighbor discovery protocol
cluster Specify cluster configuration ...
command-privilege Specify the command level
copy Copy source port configuration...
copyright-info Displaying copyright information
cut Cut connection
delete Delete route information
dhcp DHCP packet rate limit
dhcp-snooping DHCP snooping
display Display current system informa...
dldp Specify configuration informat...
dns Specify domain name system
domain Add domain or modify domain at...
dot1x Specify 802.1X configuration i...
end-station Configure ip address of end st...
execute Batch Command
file Specify file system configurat...
ftp Specify FTP server configurati...
garp Generic Attribute Registration...
gratuitous-arp-learning Gratuitous Arp learning function
gvrp GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
habp Specify HABP configuration inf...
header Specify the login banner
hwping Specify HWPing test class
hwping-agent Specify HWPing agent task func...
hwping-server Specify HWPing server task fun...
hwtacacs Specify HWTACACS server
icmp Specify ICMP(the Internet Cont...
configuration information
igmp-snooping IGMP snooping
info-center Specify information center con...
interface Specify the interface configur...
ip Specify IP(Internet Protocol) ...
ipv6 Specify IPv6(Internet Protocol...
configuration information
lacp Configure LACP Protocol
link-aggregation Configure a link aggregation g...
local-server Specify local RADIUS server co...
local-user Specify local user configurati...
loopback-detection Detect if loopback exists
mac-address Configure MAC address
mac-authentication Specify MAC authentication con...
management-vlan Specify management-vlan
mirrored-to Mirror the packets
mirroring-group Specify mirroring-group
monitor-link Configure Monitor Link
multicast-source-deny Multicast source port deny
ndp Neighbor discovery protocol
nslookup Query Internet name servers
ntdp Specify NTDP configuration inf...
ntp-service Specify NTP(Network Time Proto...
oadp OADP Neighbor discovery protocol
packet-filter Filter packets based on acl
ping Ping function
port-group All ports which belong to a ce...
port-mac Config port MAC start address
port-security Specify port-security configur...
priority Specify priority
priority-trust Specify priority trust mode
public-key Specify public-key module conf...
qos QoS configuration information
qos-profile Specify qos-profile configurat...
queue-scheduler Specify queue scheduling mode ...
quit Exit from current command view
radius Specify RADIUS configuration i...
reset Reset operation
return Exit to User View
rmon Specify RMON
rsa Specify RSA module configurati...
save Save current configuration
schedule Schedule system task
sftp Set SFTP service attribute
smart-link Configure Smart Link
smarton SmartOn enable function
snmp-agent Specify SNMP(Simple Network Ma...
configuration information
ssh Specify SSH (secure shell) con...
ssh2 Open a secure shell client con...
stacking Specify stack configuration in...
stp Spanning tree protocol
super Modify super password parameters
sysname Specify system name and the co...
system-guard System-guard module options
system-monitor Specify system-monitor configu...
tcp Specify TCP(Transmission Contr...
configuration information
tftp Open TFTP connection
tftp-server TFTP Server
time-range Specify time-range configurati...
tracemac Trace MAC function
tracert Trace route function
traffic-limit Limit the rate of the packets
traffic-priority Specify new priority of the pa...
traffic-redirect Redirect the packets
traffic-statistic Count the packets
undo Cancel current setting
unknown-multicast Unknown multicast
user-interface Configure the user terminal in...
vlan Configure VLAN
vlan-mapping Specify VLAN mapping function
vlan-vpn Specify VLAN VPN (Virtual Priv...
voice Specify voice vlan
*概要 [#qb1451bc]
*制御 [#zaa9efa8]
**コンソール接続 [#p978d08b]
***コンソールケーブル [#c1b4d751]
-FTDI chipset USB RJ45 コンソールケーブル
***接続仕様 [#y9f77a6f]
|速度|9600 bps|
|データ|8 bit|
|ストップ|1 bit|
***起動 [#h20af2e1]
* ...
* NEC QX-S3218TP BOOTROM, Version 5...
* ...
Copyright(C) 2004-2008. All rights reserved.
Creation date : Jan 16 2008, 15:53:06
CPU Clock Speed : 200MHz
BUS Clock Speed : 33MHz
Memory Size : 64MB
Mac Address : 000fe2xxxxxx
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu...
この段階で「Ctrl + B」を押下すると、ブートメニューに入る。~
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu... 1
1. Download application file to flash
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify bootrom password
6. Enter bootrom upgrade menu
7. Skip current configuration file
8. Set bootrom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot
Enter your choice(0-9):
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu... 0
Decompress Image....OK!
Starting at 0x80100000...
User interface aux0 is available.
Press ENTER to get started.
%Apr 1 23:56:06:068 2000 QX-S3218TP SHELL/5/LOGIN:- 1 -...
Login authentication
***再起動 [#k03e5abd]
<QX-S3218TP> reboot
Start to check configuration with next startup configur...
please wait......
This command will reboot the device. Current configurat...
This will reboot device. Continue? [Y/N] Y
#Apr 1 23:56:53:947 2000 QX-S3218TP COMMONSY/5/REBOOT:-...
Reboot device by command.
%Apr 1 23:56:57:934 2000 QX-S3218TP DEV/5/DEV_LOG:- 1 -
Switch is rebooting...
*設定 [#jb923482]
**表示 [#nc39e4fe]
***現在の設定を表示 [#ne83f6bc]
[QX-S3218TP] display current-configuration
**基礎設定 [#z25f28c7]
***ホスト名の設定 [#we71a33a]
[QX-S3218TP] sysname QX-S3218TP-02
***管理IPの設定 [#xbd9da62]
VLAN 1に対して管理用IPアドレスを設定する。~
[QX-S3218TP] interface Vlan-interface 1
%Apr 2 01:20:05:490 2000 QX-S3218TP L2INF/5/VLANIF LINK...
Vlan-interface1 is UP
[QX-S3218TP-Vlan-interface1] ip address 255....
%Apr 2 01:20:22:623 2000 QX-S3218TP IFNET/5/UPDOWN:- 1 ...
[QX-S3218TP-Vlan-interface1] quit
***SSH接続の有効化 [#ef0d6514]
ssh telnet terminalからのアクセスを許可する、ID:admin、PW...
<QX-S3218TP> sys
[QX-S3218TP] local-user admin
New local user added.
[QX-S3218TP-luser-admin] password simple admin
[QX-S3218TP-luser-admin] service-type ssh telnet terminal
[QX-S3218TP-luser-admin] level 3
[QX-S3218TP-luser-admin] quit
[QX-S3218TP] ssh authentication-type default password
[QX-S3218TP] ssh user admin authentication-type password
[QX-S3218TP] ssh user admin service-type stelnet
[QX-S3218TP] user-interface vty 0 4
[QX-S3218TP-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode scheme
[QX-S3218TP-ui-vty0-4] protocol inbound ssh
[QX-S3218TP] save
The configuration will be written to the device.
Are you sure?[Y/N]y
Please input the file name(*.cfg)(To leave the existing ...
unchanged press the enter key):
Now saving current configuration to the device.
Saving configuration. Please wait.........
Unit1 save configuration flash:/startup.cfg successfully
%Apr 2 00:02:35:583 2000 QX-S3218TP CFM/3/CFM_LOG:- 1 -...
[QX-S3218TP] rsa local-key-pair create
The local-key-pair will be created.
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 1024]:
Generating keys...
[QX-S3218TP] quit
<QX-S3218TP> dir /all
5 -rwh 151 Apr 01 2000 23:56:57 private...
7 -rwh 716 Apr 02 2000 00:05:43 hostkey
8 -rwh 572 Apr 02 2000 00:05:50 serverkey
%Apr 2 00:07:16:052 2000 QX-S3218TP SHELL/5/LOGIN:- 1 -...
***SNMP有効化 [#e3f5da1e]
<QX-S3218TP> sys
[QX-S3218TP] snmp-agent
[QX-S3218TP] snmp-agent community read 【Community Name】
[QX-S3218TP] snmp-agent sys-info location 【Location Nam...
[QX-S3218TP] snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
***CDP有効化 [#ad39a56b]
-cdp enable
<QX-S3218TP> sys
[QX-S3218TP] cdp enable
***時刻設定 [#f5c961ae]
--1. タイムゾーン設定(user-viewモード)~
--2. 現在時刻の設定(user-viewモード)~
--3. NTPサーバの設定(system-viewモード)~
clock timezone [ZoneName] add [Offset]
<QX-S3218TP-02> clock timezone JST add 9
clock datetime HH:MM:SS YYYY/MM/DD
<QX-S3218TP-02> clock datetime 17:50:00 2017/10/01
[QX-S3218TP-02] ntp-service unicast-server 【NTP Server ...
%Apr 2 00:52:27:930 2000 QX-S3218TP-02 NTP/5/NTP_LOG:- ...
NTP service enable
**VLAN設定 [#d1954a1d]
***ポートベースVLAN [#ffbc3d0d]
<QX-S3218TP-02> sys
[QX-S3218TP-02] vlan 【VLAN NUM】
[QX-S3218TP-02-vlan【NUM】] quit
[QX-S3218TP-02] interface Ethernet 【PORT NUM】
[QX-S3218TP-02-Ethernet【PORT NUM】] port access vlan 【...
[QX-S3218TP-02-Ethernet【PORT NUM】] quit
Ethernet 1/0/1〜2にVLAN 100、Ethernet 1/0/3〜4にVLAN 200...
vlan 100
vlan 200
interface Ethernet 1/0/1
port access vlan 100
interface Ethernet 1/0/2
port access vlan 100
interface Ethernet 1/0/3
port access vlan 200
interface Ethernet 1/0/4
port access vlan 200
*設定ファイル操作 [#f9357dc7]
**概要 [#c5859709]
**操作 [#j0346356]
***ファイルの確認 [#m91aec86]
-dir /all
<qx>dir /all
Directory of unit1>flash:/
1 (*) -rw- 3721202 Feb 18 2008 16:13:04 qx-s320...
2 (*) -rw- 576644 Jan 01 2004 00:00:00 qx-http...
3 -rw- 1010 Jan 01 2004 00:00:00 vrpcfg....
4 (*) -rw- 2594 Apr 02 2000 00:43:24 vrpcfg....
5 -rwh 151 Apr 02 2000 17:36:43 private...
6 -rw- 1010 Apr 02 2000 00:44:59 startup...
***設定ファイルの選択 [#hacebc92]
startup saved-configuration [FILENAME]
<qx>display startup
Current Startup saved-configuration file: flas...
Next main startup saved-configuration file: flas...
Next backup startup saved-configuration file: NULL
Bootrom-access enable state: enab...
<qx>startup saved-configuration startup.cfg
Please wait.............Done!
%Apr 2 00:48:19:294 2000 qx CFM/3/CFM_LOG:- 1 -Unit1 se...
<qx>display startup
Current Startup saved-configuration file: flas...
Next main startup saved-configuration file: flas...
Next backup startup saved-configuration file: NULL
Bootrom-access enable state: enab...
*コマンド [#vf49d996]
**概要 [#l38cabae]
**基本操作 [#v568573e]
***モード切替 [#ca2ea218]
<xxx-xxx> system-view
<xxx-xxx> sys
***設定の保存 [#oc96826b]
<QX-S3218TP> save
The configuration will be written to the device.
Are you sure?[Y/N]y
Please input the file name(*.cfg)(To leave the existing ...
unchanged press the enter key):
Now saving current configuration to the device.
Saving configuration. Please wait...
Unit1 save configuration flash:/startup.cfg successfully
***バージョン情報の表示 [#j5c1d661]
-display version
<QX-S3218TP>display version
Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP(R) Software, Version 3.1.3
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 NEC Corporation. All rights rese...
QX-S3218TP uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 2 minutes
QX-S3218TP with 1 Processor
64M bytes SDRAM
8M bytes Flash Memory
Config Register points to FLASH
Hardware Version is REV.A
Bootrom Version is 518
CPLD Version is 003
[Subslot 0] 16FE Hardware Version is REV.A
[Subslot 1] 1GE Hardware Version is REV.A
[Subslot 2] 1GE Hardware Version is REV.A
***設定の表示 [#f5d6565b]
-display current-configuration
<QX-S3218TP>display current-configuration
sysname QX-S3218TP
radius scheme system
domain system
vlan 1
interface Aux1/0/0
interface Ethernet1/0/1
interface Ethernet1/0/2
interface Ethernet1/0/3
interface Ethernet1/0/4
interface Ethernet1/0/5
interface Ethernet1/0/6
interface Ethernet1/0/7
interface Ethernet1/0/8
interface Ethernet1/0/9
interface Ethernet1/0/10
interface Ethernet1/0/11
interface Ethernet1/0/12
interface Ethernet1/0/13
interface Ethernet1/0/14
interface Ethernet1/0/15
interface Ethernet1/0/16
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/2
interface GigabitEthernet1/2/1
interface GigabitEthernet1/2/2
interface NULL0
user-interface aux 0
user-interface vty 0 4
***ヘルプ [#y9cb082f]
<xxx-xxx> ?
User view commands:
boot Set boot option
cd Change current directory
clock Specify the system clock
cluster Run cluster command
copy Copy from one file to another
debugging Enable system debugging functions
delete Delete a file
dir List files on a file system
display Display current system information
fixdisk Recover lost chains in storage device
format Format the device
free Clear user terminal interface
ftp Open FTP connection
lock Lock current user terminal interface
mkdir Create a new directory
more Display the contents of a file
move Move a file
nslookup Query Internet name servers
ntdp Run NTDP commands
ping Ping function
pwd Display current working directory
quit Exit from current command view
reboot Reset switch
rename Rename a file or directory
reset Reset operation
rmdir Remove an existing directory
save Save current configuration
schedule Schedule system task
send Send information to other user terminal in...
stacking Run command on stack switch
startup Specify system startup parameters
super Set the current user priority level
system-view Enter the System View
telnet Establish one TELNET connection
terminal Set the terminal line characteristics
tftp Open TFTP connection
tracemac Trace MAC function
tracert Trace route function
undelete Recover a deleted file
undo Cancel current setting
xmodem Establish an xmodem connection
[xxx-xxx] ?
System view commands:
acl Specify acl configuration info...
am Access management
apply Apply qos-profile
arp Add static ARP entry
bpdu-tunnel Global Enable tunneling protoc...
broadcast-suppression Specify the broadcast storm co...
burst-mode Specify burst-mode
cdp CDP Neighbor discovery protocol
cluster Specify cluster configuration ...
command-privilege Specify the command level
copy Copy source port configuration...
copyright-info Displaying copyright information
cut Cut connection
delete Delete route information
dhcp DHCP packet rate limit
dhcp-snooping DHCP snooping
display Display current system informa...
dldp Specify configuration informat...
dns Specify domain name system
domain Add domain or modify domain at...
dot1x Specify 802.1X configuration i...
end-station Configure ip address of end st...
execute Batch Command
file Specify file system configurat...
ftp Specify FTP server configurati...
garp Generic Attribute Registration...
gratuitous-arp-learning Gratuitous Arp learning function
gvrp GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
habp Specify HABP configuration inf...
header Specify the login banner
hwping Specify HWPing test class
hwping-agent Specify HWPing agent task func...
hwping-server Specify HWPing server task fun...
hwtacacs Specify HWTACACS server
icmp Specify ICMP(the Internet Cont...
configuration information
igmp-snooping IGMP snooping
info-center Specify information center con...
interface Specify the interface configur...
ip Specify IP(Internet Protocol) ...
ipv6 Specify IPv6(Internet Protocol...
configuration information
lacp Configure LACP Protocol
link-aggregation Configure a link aggregation g...
local-server Specify local RADIUS server co...
local-user Specify local user configurati...
loopback-detection Detect if loopback exists
mac-address Configure MAC address
mac-authentication Specify MAC authentication con...
management-vlan Specify management-vlan
mirrored-to Mirror the packets
mirroring-group Specify mirroring-group
monitor-link Configure Monitor Link
multicast-source-deny Multicast source port deny
ndp Neighbor discovery protocol
nslookup Query Internet name servers
ntdp Specify NTDP configuration inf...
ntp-service Specify NTP(Network Time Proto...
oadp OADP Neighbor discovery protocol
packet-filter Filter packets based on acl
ping Ping function
port-group All ports which belong to a ce...
port-mac Config port MAC start address
port-security Specify port-security configur...
priority Specify priority
priority-trust Specify priority trust mode
public-key Specify public-key module conf...
qos QoS configuration information
qos-profile Specify qos-profile configurat...
queue-scheduler Specify queue scheduling mode ...
quit Exit from current command view
radius Specify RADIUS configuration i...
reset Reset operation
return Exit to User View
rmon Specify RMON
rsa Specify RSA module configurati...
save Save current configuration
schedule Schedule system task
sftp Set SFTP service attribute
smart-link Configure Smart Link
smarton SmartOn enable function
snmp-agent Specify SNMP(Simple Network Ma...
configuration information
ssh Specify SSH (secure shell) con...
ssh2 Open a secure shell client con...
stacking Specify stack configuration in...
stp Spanning tree protocol
super Modify super password parameters
sysname Specify system name and the co...
system-guard System-guard module options
system-monitor Specify system-monitor configu...
tcp Specify TCP(Transmission Contr...
configuration information
tftp Open TFTP connection
tftp-server TFTP Server
time-range Specify time-range configurati...
tracemac Trace MAC function
tracert Trace route function
traffic-limit Limit the rate of the packets
traffic-priority Specify new priority of the pa...
traffic-redirect Redirect the packets
traffic-statistic Count the packets
undo Cancel current setting
unknown-multicast Unknown multicast
user-interface Configure the user terminal in...
vlan Configure VLAN
vlan-mapping Specify VLAN mapping function
vlan-vpn Specify VLAN VPN (Virtual Priv...
voice Specify voice vlan